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  • Engine Exhaust Suppression Dual Cooling Technology

    Davis naval engine exaust suppression reduces uptake metal and exhaust plume IR signatures. Film cooling reduces the metal temperature of exposed exhaust duct areas. An air-to-air ejector and optional sea water injection reduce the temperature of the exhaust gases.



    The Eductor/Diffuser is used to provide IR signature suppression of the exhaust gas and uptake metal for gas turbines, diesel engines, and diesel generators. The device mounts directly to the uptake and is normally fully enclosed within the exhaust funnel. The uptake metal is cooled to within 25 degrees C of ambient and the plume temperature is reduced to below 250 degrees C.

    The Eductor/Diffuser consists of three main components: the ejector nozzle, the mixing tube, and the multi-ring entraining diffuser. The nozzle acts as an air-air ejector, pumping ambient air into the device. This ambient air mixes with the exhaust gases in the mixing tube, exiting at a much reduced average temperature. Finally, ambient air is naturally entrained in through the gaps of the diffuser, providing film cooling of the diffuser rings.

    Eductor/Diffuser benefits include:

  • • Scalable to fit any size uptake.
  • • Offers IR Protection to approximately 50° above the horizon.
  • • Level 3 IR suppression with a 95% reduction in the gas turbine exhaust infra-red signature.
  • • Simple design for ease of integration.
  • • Basis for Level 4 IR suppression.


    Designed in conjunction with the Defence Research Establishment Suffield (DRES, now DRDC Suffield), the DRES Ball is used to provide IR signature suppression of the exhaust gas and uptake metal for gas turbines, diesel engines, and diesel generators. The device mounts directly to the uptake and is normally fully enclosed within the exhaust funnel. The uptake metal is cooled to within 25 degrees C of ambient and the plume temperature is reduced to below 250 degrees C.

    The device has a film cooled outer duct as well as a film cooled centre body that provides full angle protection.

  • • Scalable to fit any size uptake.
  • • Complete IR Protection at all view angles, including directly down the uptake, as a result of a film cooled centre body.
  • • Uniform plume temperature profile due to the introduction of cooling air into the centre of the plume.
  • • Level 3 IR suppression with a 95% reduction in the gas turbine exhaust infra-red signature.

Sea water Injection

    The Sea Water Injection (SWI) system can be used in conjunction with an Eductor/Diffuser in order to achieve plume temperatures below 150 degrees C. As with the Eductor/Diffuser, uptake metal temperatures are cooled to less than 25 degrees C above ambient.

    The SWI system mounts directly to the uptake and is integrated with the Eductor/Diffuser nozzle. The system uses an array of atomizing nozzles to inject a fine mist into the exhaust stream. As the water evaporates, heat is transferred from the hot exhaust gas into the water vapor, resulting in a lower average gas temperature. The location and size of the nozzles is custom designed to the size of the uptake in order to ensure that the system uses water efficiently and the plume is uniformly cooled.

    The SWI system is controlled by the Onboard Signature Manager (OSM), which interfaces with the ship machinery control system in order to control the flow of water as a function of the engine operating state.

    Benefits of the SWI eductor/diffuser include:

  • • Scalable to fit any size uptake.
  • • Can be configured to activate only in threat situations. Delivers Level 3 suppression in normal conditions.
  • • Custom nozzle selection and placement ensures efficient use of sea water and uniform plume temperatures.
  • • Level IV IR suppression.
  • • Highest performance IR suppressor available on the market.

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